JC PROcruit C | 「賽馬會專業創未來計劃」
JC PROcruit C

Creation of emerging caring profession

With the current advances in technology and social development, it becomes increasingly important to prepare young talents for their work readiness and future employability. JC PROcruit C offers first-time-job-seekers the opportunities to kick start their self-discovery journeys. The programme developed 16 emerging and promising professions in the areas of Creativity, Technology, Business and Healthcare for graduates to actualise career goals and create social value to the community.

Created and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, JC PROcruit C is a unique and structured through-train traineeship model to support graduates’ school to workplace transition and prepare them for future work readiness. Embark your professional journey in a caring profession!

  • Navigate on a professional career with a one-year traineeship

  • Transition to your desired profession with tailor-made multi-day bootcamp and professional career coaching along the journey

  • Grow your professional knowledge and network through on-the-job training and mentorship

  • Contribute to community by innovating and creating social good at workplace

Over 500 trainees were recruited in Phase 2